Each year sees a theme common to all involved information based groups and Association’s, for example:
- 2006 “Personal Records”
- 2007 “Technology as a Tool”
- 2008 “Safety : Security : Privacy”
- 2009 “Diversity”
- 2010 “Access Across the Generations”
- 2011 “Information overload: Finding the tree in the digital fores”
- Records and Information Management Professionals Australasia (RIMPA)
- Australian Society of Archivists (ASA)
- National Archives of Australia (NAA)
- Health Information Management Association of Australia (HIMAA), Institute for Information Management (IIM)
- Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA)
- Public Records Office of Victoria (PROV)
- and supported by several State Authorities
“Information Awareness Month (IAM) will be a major collaborative event on the annual calendar. It showcases the various streams of information management and highlights the specialist areas. The ultimate goal of IAM is to ensure the importance and value of information management to the community and to the world as a whole.” said RIMPA’s CEO Kate Walker.
Events are being run throughout May in all states and territories.