Thursday, October 17, 2013

Perth Housing Market Update - October 2013

The housing market in Perth seems to have hit the brakes after capital gains were nation-leading earlier in the year. Despite a month-on-month fall into running values every September, Perth values are still trending higher but at dramatically reduce rate of growth compared with early 2013. The Perth housing market bottomed out much earlier than most other capital cities with values finding a low point in October 2011. Since this time though is a ten point nine percent higher than the trough. Rental growth accross Perth has slowed as well with annual grow now just below five percent and over the September quater Perth trends have actually move lower.

Perth Key Statistics

Change in dwelling values
Three months 1.3%
Twelve months 7.6%
From peak -0.3%

Median prices (based on sales over past three months)
Median dwelling price $493,500
Median house price $505,000
Median unit price $420,000

Rental rates and yields
Weekly rent, houses $508
Gross rental yield, houses 4.4%
Weekly rent, units $449 Gross rental yield, units 4.8%

Selling time and discounting
Time on market, September 2013 45
Time on Market, September 2012 62
Vendor discount, September 2013 -4.7%
Vendor discount, September 2012 -6.0%

Data provided by RPData.

Stamp duty changes in WA

New First Home Owner Grant (FHOG) arrangements took effect on 25 September 2013. First Home Owner Grant for new homes increased from $7000 to $10000. For established properties FHOG was reduced to $3000. Use stamp duty calculator WA to calculate your stamp duty and FHOG after this change.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Information Awareness Month in Australia

The purpose of Information Awareness Month in Australia is to increase public awareness of the breadth of the information industry and the importance of properly maintaining good records and information as it relates to everyone from global Corporations through to small business and even the homemaker – in other words “connecting information and people”
Each year sees a theme common to all involved information based groups and Association’s, for example:
  • 2006 “Personal Records”
  • 2007 “Technology as a Tool”
  • 2008 “Safety : Security : Privacy”
  • 2009 “Diversity”
  • 2010 “Access Across the Generations”
  • 2011 “Information overload: Finding the tree in the digital fores”
Information Awareness Month has grown into a collaborative event between various bodies within the records/archiving/information management community including:
  • Records and Information Management Professionals Australasia (RIMPA)
  • Australian Society of Archivists (ASA)
  • National Archives of Australia (NAA)
  • Health Information Management Association of Australia (HIMAA), Institute for Information Management (IIM)
  • Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA)
  • Public Records Office of Victoria (PROV) 
  • and supported by several State Authorities
This commonality of purpose reflects the fact that the various bodies identified are recognised as some of the most widely respected professional bodies in the information management community within not only Australasia but worldwide.
“Information Awareness Month (IAM) will be a major collaborative event on the annual calendar.  It showcases the various streams of information management and highlights the specialist areas.  The ultimate goal of IAM is to ensure the importance and value of information management to the community and to the world as a whole.” said RIMPA’s CEO Kate Walker.
Events are being run throughout May in all states and territories.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Who Should Choose Income Protection Insurance?

Anyone who works and supports themselves with the income they earn should seriously consider income protection insurance. Many people tend to think that those who rock climb, surf, or have other risky hobbies have more reason to prepare for a mishap. However, accidents can happen to any person at any time. No one ever thinks it can happen to them, but every second of the future is uncertain. Having financial security to fall back on would assist in making a difficult situation less stressful.

What Factors Affect the Cost?

As with any type of insurance, different factors about the individual affect how high their premiums are.
People with higher risk occupations can expect to pay more than those with jobs that require little manual labor.
Health factors play a role, too. Obviously, someone who smokes is going to have a higher premium than a non-smoker.
Unlike life insurance, women pay more than men for income protection. Women statistically are at higher risk to develop illnesses even though they generally live longer than men do.
Lastly, older people will pay more for income protection insurance than those who are younger.

No one likes to think of their lives taking a turn for the worst. However, it’s better to face that fear and be prepared than to ignore it and regret not taking action sooner. It all goes back to the old saying; better safe than sorry.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Income Protection Insurance

There is insurance out there for cars, homes, health, and even life. However, the type of insurance that seems to be the most overlooked is the one that protects the security of maintaining your vehicles, health, house, and lifestyle habits in case of an unexpected accident. Income protection insurance is important to consider for anyone who works for a living.

What is Income Protection Insurance?

If someone were to fall ill or suffer any type of injury that would prevent them from going back to work for a lengthy period of time, income protection insurance would be ideal to have. It generally covers up to 75% of the monthly income a person brings in. There are different maximum benefit packages that are available, but clearly, the longer the benefit package lasts the longer the insurance will payoff in case of an accident.

Why Choose Income Protection Insurance?

A question that frequently gets asked is, “Why do I need income protection insurance if I already have life insurance?” Honestly, it would be ideal to get both. Life insurance benefits those closest to an individual in case the individual suddenly dies. It can help pay for collected debt and funeral costs so the family and loved ones aren’t left with the burden of paying off the deceased’s expenses.
Income protection insurance benefits someone who has lost the ability to earn a living. It allows for sick/injured people to keep their independence and continue making car, loan, and rent/mortgage payments as well as pay for other necessary expenses. Receiving government benefits can be a long process, and the money coming in from that is usually not enough to keep up with the same lifestyle habits.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

aden & anais - hooded towel & washcloth set - bathing beauty

aden + anais towel sets are made from the finest cotton to produce the softest bath accessory for your baby.

the large double-layer hooded towel, measuring 86cm x86cm, is 100% terry cotton, which is extra absorbent and durable. The four-layer washcloth gets softer after each wash, making it extra gentle on baby’s delicate skin. These sets are soft and luxurious and create a perfect bathing experience, both in the tub and out.  Both The towel and washcloth can be machine-washed and tumble-dried.

includes: 1 x hooded terry towel & 1 x 100% cotton muslin washcloth (100% cotton) - be sure to wash them before first use.

size: towel 86cms x 86cms, washcloth 30cms x 30cm
RRP: $44.95
Price: $44.95